Who were the other test subjects of Dr. Brenner at Hawkins Lab?

Everyone only knows about Eleven or maybe also Eight (Kali Prasad) but do you know about the other test subjects of Dr. Brenner at Hawkins Lab?

Well, Volume 1 of Stranger Things Season 4 reveals about the first test subjects of Dr. Martin Brenner which were named One. Also, one was none other than Henry Creel who is the villain of Season 4.

So, we’re here talk about all the other test subjects of Dr. Brenner & the one who plays that character in Stranger Things.

All Other Test Subjects of Dr. Brenner:

As of now, it has been proven that at least 18 children were involved in Hawkins Lab’s tests, with many youngsters including twins & even some being younger than Eleven.

Later, during the Nina Project flashbacks in Volume 1 of Stranger Things Season 4, it is proven that there were 18 children.

Other Test Subjects of Dr. Brenner

Let’s talk about the all those kids including Eleven, Eight and of course One.

Number 001 – ONE

The last episode "The Massacre at Hawkins Lab" of Volume 1 of Stranger Things Season 4 reveals the identity of Number 001.

One is none other than Henry Creel as well as Vecna, the monster of Stranger Things Season 4.

As Eleven defeats One and opens the Upside Down's Gate where she sent him inside, the One transforms into a deadly monster called Vecna.

One aka Jamie Campbell Bower

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 001. In short, Jamie Campbell Bower plays One as well as Vecna in Season 4 of Stranger Things.

Number 002 – TWO

Two is the oldest test subject of Hawkins Lab excluding One. He can do whatever possible of impress his Papa, Dr. Martin Brenner. Unfortunately, his strong telekinesis abilities lead him to be arrogant.

He bullies Eleven with his friends including Three, Four and Five just because he is afraid that she will surpass him in strength and became the Papa’s Favorite.

Well, Dr. Brenner also punished him for his threats against Eleven later on the episode.

Two aka Tristan Spohn

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 002. In short, Tristan Spohn plays two as an another test subject of Hawkins Lab in Stranger Things.

Number 003 – THREE

Three is a friend or two as well his crime partner including four and five who bullies eleven in the Rainbow room.

Three aka Morgan Gao

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 003. In short, Morgan Gao plays three as an another test subject of Hawkins Lab in Stranger Things.

Morgan Gao's Instagram is private so go & request him to check his photos & videos if you wish.

Number 004 – FOUR

As mentioned before, Two including his friends Three, Four and Five are well-known for bullying their sister "Eleven" when she defeats two in a game.

Four aka Sparrow Nicole

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 004. In short, Sparrow Nicole plays four as an another test subject of Hawkins Lab in Stranger Things.

Number 005 – FIVE

Don't wanna repeat the same thing but there is nothing to say much about all other test subjects as the show doesn't introduce every character in brief.

The only thing we know about Two, Three, Four & Five is that they were good friends or brothers & sisters who bullies Eleven, that's it.

If you know something deeper please let us know through comments.

Five aka Jessica Arden Napier

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 005. In short, Jessica Arden Napier plays five as an another test subject of Hawkins Lab in Stranger Things.

Number 006 – SIX

Six aka De’Jon Watts

Let’s talk about who plays Number 006 in Stranger Things.

Well, De’Jon Watts plays six as an another test subject of Hawkins Lab in Stranger Things.

Number 007 – SEVEN

Seven aka Lana Jean Turner

Let’s talk about who plays Number 007 in Stranger Things.

Well, Lana Jean Turner plays seven as an another test subject of Hawkins Lab in Stranger Things.

Number 008 – EIGHT

Eight also known as Kali Prasad is a recurrent character featured in second season of Stranger Things.

She survived the massacre at the Hawkins Lab as she has already escaped from that lab a long ago.

Eight aka Kali Prasad

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 008 also known as Kali Prasad in Stranger Things.

Well, Linnea Berthelsen plays eight/Kali Prasad as one of several test subjects of Hawkins Lab in Stranger Things.

Number 009 – NINE

Nine and her twin sister, Nine-Point-Five, were very young when they were brought aboard Dr. Martin Brenner's project.

Of course, the left one is not Nine as she is Eleven but the right one in the image below is none other than Nine.

Nine aka Chloe Adona

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 009 in Stranger Things.

Well, Chloe Adona plays nine as one of several test subjects of Hawkins Lab in Stranger Things.

Number 010 – TEN

Ten is perhaps one of Dr. Brenner's favorite test subject as we saw them giggling together when Dr. Martin Brenner ask him to recognize what he has drawn with his powers.

Ten aka Christian Ganiere

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 010 in Stranger Things.

Well, Christian Ganiere plays ten as one of several test subjects of Dr. Brenner.

Number 011 – ELEVEN

Who doesn't know Eleven? Every does, right?

Well, Eleven is everyone's favorite in terms of everything like helping friends & others and also fighting together with villains.

But yeah, Eleven role is not just portrayed by Millie Bobby Brown. There is also an another kid who plays young eleven in Stranger Things 4.

Eleven aka Millie Bobby Brown

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 011 in Stranger Things.

As told above, 011 is played by two actress. The one who is so young is Martie Blair.

Young Eleven with Teen Eleven

While, ​Millie Bobby Brown plays eleven, the older eleven as an another test subjects of Dr. Brenner Experiment.

Number 012 – TWELVE

Twelve aka David Alexander Kaplan

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 012 in Stranger Things.

Well, David Alexander Kaplan plays twelve as an another test subjects of Dr. Brenner project.

Number 013 – THIRTEEN

Thirteen aka Hendrix Yancey

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 013 in Stranger Things.

Well, Hendrix Yancey plays thirteen as an another test subjects of Dr. Brenner project.

Number 014 – FOURTEEN

Fourteen aka Jeremiah Friedlander

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 014 in Stranger Things.

Well, Jeremiah Friedlander plays fourteen as one of the several test subjects of Dr. Brenner project.

Number 015 – FIFTEEN

The kid at right side is number 015 as the one at left side is none other than Fourteen played by Jeremiah Friedlander.

Fifteen aka Bentley Williams

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 015 in Stranger Things.

Well, Bentley Williams plays fifteen as one of the several test subjects of Dr. Brenner project at Hawkins Lab.

Number 016 – SIXTEEN

The kid at leftmost side is the one who plays sixteen in Stranger Things.

Sixteen aka Ethan Green

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 016 in Stranger Things.

Well, Ethan Green plays sixteen as one of the several test subjects of Dr. Brenner project at Hawkins Lab.

Number 017 – SEVENTEEN

The kid in the middle is the one who plays seventeen in Stranger Things.

Seventeen aka Oliver Green

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 017 in Stranger Things.

Well, Oliver Green plays seventeen as one of the several test subjects of Dr. Brenner project at Hawkins Lab.

Number 018 – EIGHTEEN

The kid in the middle having the cute reaction is the one who plays eighteen in Stranger Things.

Eighteen aka Olivia Sembra

Now, let’s talk about who plays Number 018 in Stranger Things.

Well, Olivia Sembra plays eighteen as one of the several test subjects of Dr. Brenner project at Hawkins Lab.

Final Words:

We hope you like this post which is about who were the other test subjects of Dr. Brenner at Hawkins Lab in Stranger Things Show.

Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 1 is already premiering only on Netflix and it was super amazing but its Volume 2 gonna be mind-blowing, if you have watched Volume 1 already then you know the reason. By the way, Volume 2 of Stranger Things Season 4 is releasing on July 1st, 2022.

Check Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 2 Countdown here.

If you have any other query regarding Volume 1 of Stranger Things Season 4 or any other season or whatever, you can simply comment your questions below and we’ll definitely answer you.

So, don’t forget to comment your questions!

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