Facts about Charlie Heaton of Stranger Things

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How old is Charlie Heaton now?

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Charlie Heaton was born on 6 Feb 1994. So, he is 28 years old for now.

How tall is Charlie Heaton now?

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Charlie Heaton is 1.73m tall which equals to 5 feet, and 6 inches.

Are Charlie Heaton and Harry Styles Related?

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No, they are not related but looks so similar to each other.

Are Charlie Heaton and Natalia Dyer Dating?

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Yes, they're definitely dating. They've been together since 2016.

Are Charlie Heaton and Natalia Dyer Married?

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Not yet, they're just dating for now but may be in future...

Does Charlie Heaton have a Wife?

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Charlie Heaton had an ex, Akiko Matsuura, but they're no longer together.

Does Charlie Heaton have a Child?

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Charlie Heaton has a son named Archie with his ex-girlfriend, a fellow musician.

What's the role of Charlie Heaton in Stranger Things?

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Charlie Heaton plays the role of Jonathan Byers in Stranger Things Series.

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